
Mobile app built for staff to regularly review their organisation.

Mobile phone displaying the Orville app home screen.

What was the problem?

We were approached by a global charity with operations in over 200 countries.

They had experienced the benefits of reviewing and improving their practices, but couldn't find a tool that could handle their large structure and multilingual needs.

What did we do?

We worked with them to develop an innovative new app.


Available in over 200 countries.

Insights and data

Built with data to compare results.


To keep users interested.


So their staff don't miss a thing.

Social features

To stimulate discussion.

How has the app helped?

The Orville app allows staff to regularly review a whole range of aspects of the organisation, helping to really understand how their staff feel about the organisation, helping them to grow, empower and maintain staff.

Looking to create an app
to help internal problems?